My Pandemic Year: From Being Pregnant to Testing Positive

It’s hard to believe any of us will ever forget the last year of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, and I feel the need to write down my experience. I need to remember what incredible challenges we all faced, what it was like to be pregnant during a pandemic, to be a mom, to give … More My Pandemic Year: From Being Pregnant to Testing Positive

Swapping Songs

One thing I love about the music therapy community is its willingness to help each other. Whether it’s in group supervision, conference presentations, or on social media sites, I am continually amazed at other therapist’s generosity with sharing their ideas, suggestions, and work. And now with a little one taking over all of my time … More Swapping Songs

A Creative Pause

Two years ago on November 9th I started this blog to honor the memory of my dad and give myself a space to process and share my experiences as a new music therapist. I’m a bit embarrassed that I haven’t written a blog post since March even though I have attempted to start one multiple … More A Creative Pause


As Thanksgiving weekend is wrapping up and we are entering into the busy holiday season, I wanted to share a song I wrote last year for Thanksgiving. Every year we constantly ask the kids what they are thankful for throughout the month of November, and I wanted to write a song  with a simple melody … More Thankful

On This Day

On this day, four years ago, I was a newlywed, struggling to decide if I should continue to pursue a career in opera and starting to entertain the possibility of going back to school to become a music therapist. Thankfully, my husband was extremely supportive in my decision to attempt to start over professionally. On … More On This Day